Intellectual Property
Hammarskiöld offers a full spectrum of legal services for development, acquisition, commercialisation, protection, and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Our team is experienced in advising companies in various stages of development, from guiding start-ups to providing strategic advice to mature listed international corporations. From copyright, licensing, and trademark, to artificial intelligence (AI) and domain name issues, our team are fluent in all nuances of today’s intellectual property law.
We work with national and international clients across a diverse range of industries — from entertainment (e.g. music, gaming, film), media and tech companies to heavy industry, R&D companies and clients in various challenging and highly regulated industries — to address their most critical intellectual property needs. Our attorneys are experienced in advising clients in high profile cases, and before courts in all instances including the Swedish Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Our team follows the legal development and market trends on a regular basis to stay on top of a constantly moving legal landscape and the business reality of our clients.
Hammarskiöld has experienced attorneys qualified to appear before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Want to know more? Contact Claes Langenius